Olenka School of Music & the Arts

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Be Bold! Be Healthy! Be YOU - Learn to Play a Musical Instrument!

Wigs and sequins, cats on leashes, and singing to blueberry muffins. CNN just published an article titled "Are We Getting Weirder? Perhaps We're Simply Becoming Ourselves," citing these extraordinary examples. In recent months, we find ourselves leaning toward the more eccentric, the more bizarre, and the more unique parts of our personalities. In essence - we are delving deeper into a more bold version of ourselves. Want to dye your hair blue? Go for it! Always wanted to wear a tiara? Now’s the time! Wondered how to knit or crochet? Learn now! According to the article, "by choosing to march to your own beat, you can access your creativity, curiosity, happiness and make a difference in the world.”


Think of the legends who’ve been able to access that limitless creativity they’re referencing: Lady Gaga, Albert Einstein, Andy Warhol! And who among us couldn’t use a little more “happy” on that happiness scale?


So go ahead! What have you got to lose? Try something new! Something you’ve always aspired to! NOW is the perfect time for that. Be more boldly, unapologetically, creatively - YOU. And if you only try one new thing this year, let it be playing a new musical instrument.

The Benefits of Learning to Play A Musical Instrument


Listening to music is truly transformative. Research points to a variety of ways listening to music can positively affect your health. But the benefits of actively using your brain and body to CREATE music (aka playing a musical instrument) are even more pronounced than passively listening to it. There are so many psychological, mental and emotional health benefits to learning to play a musical instrument. There is literally no other action that exercises your whole brain simultaneously, the way playing music, does. And it doesn’t even matter whether it’s saxophone, trumpet, piano, violin, or any other instrument. How is this possible?


Because playing a musical instrument changes the structure and function of the brain. Gottfried Schlaug, MD and PhD from Harvard Medical School, says “listening to and making music is not only an auditory experience, but it is a multi-sensory and motor experience. Making music over a long period of time can change brain function and brain structure.” Specifically, playing a musical instrument can increase the ability to process information and create more connections, ultimately increasing communication between parts of the brain. Schlaug says these changes are more beneficial if undertaken before age seven, but beneficial at any age, nonetheless.

According to science, the results of this increased brain fitness include decreased pain, decreased anxiety and depression, decreased levels of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, and increased physical endurance during work-outs. Look for a future blog from us with more about this!


The Benefits of Learning to Play an Instrument at Olenka School of Music (OSM)


1.  At Olenka School of Music, we’re known for bringing families closer together. Because our classes are served in a “family-style” setting, concepts learned in class target both adults and children. We know that a child’s first and best teacher is a parent, and we use that to cater to families, rather than individuals. Together, families grow and learn, and experience the language of music! The inevitable bonding between family members that we consistently hear from our community is music to our ears!

2.  We offer a safe and supportive community. All of our teachers are experienced and caring, and can help anybody at any age, transform into a musician. Our curriculum is designed to help you succeed, and build confidence, and everyone will be roughly your same age, and level, whether beginner, intermediate or advanced. We offer fun events, recitals and other opportunities to join peers in a fun and encouraging social atmosphere.

3.  Our music classes are FUN! We offer a wide variety of exercises and activities targeting different age groups, and bite-sized enough to give all of us confidence in what we’re learning but allow each lesson to provide plenty of new concepts, too. Students are consistently moving around, interacting, trying new things, from a proven successful curriculum and experienced teachers. These are NOT the typical piano lessons from decades ago, where we require students to sit still at a piano for an hour. Quite the opposite!

4.  OSM has created a stepping stone path of music education, providing a clear path forward from any age, and any level, on any instrument. This progressive method allows students to increase their musicianship skills in an easy-to-follow system, with curriculum reinforcements of lessons learned built into the path.


Life is precious and short. If we’ve learned nothing else this past year- its’ that. USE this precious time to become more your authentic self. Now is the time. Be daring. Be bold. Reach outside of your comfort zone and learn to play a new instrument- something that will have lifelong results. We have an entire community of musicians - of every age and level - waiting for you to join us! Saxophone lessons for jazz enthusiasts? Trumpet players beckon the bold and daring! Piano lessons are for everybody! Then reap the gifts - the health benefits, that music education offers. And lean into the new you. You Beethoven, you!



Music classes and private music lessons at Olenka School of Music in Maryland are currently online, which means they are accessible anywhere in the United States. Olenka School of Music offers beginner and all levels of guitar, voice, piano, and lessons on nearly all musical instruments, for children and adults. Olenka School of Music also offers creative songwriting, and Music Together® classes (think: “baby & me” style) for the 1-36 month olds and adults who love them!